Cohesive® Advantage Competition

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During the ECET Congress in Salzburg earlier this year, staff at the Eakin Stand ran a competition on the Cohesive® Advantage.

Q: What enzymes that are harmful to the skin does Cohesive® inhibit?
A: Elastase and Lipase.

Q: What 3 ways does Cohesive® stop skin excoriation?
A: Absorbs water, reduces enzyme activity and physically blocks both biological and chemical irritants from coming into contact with the skin.

Staff at TG Eakin Limited were very pleased to welcome Sylvia, together with a colleague from KKH-Lörrach – Stephanie Schöneberg-Opalka (pictured above) – at the end of September. They had a tour of the TG Eakin Limited factory and were very impressed with the high quality and hygiene standards present.

The beautiful Culloden Hotel and the city of Belfast were further highlights of the trip; the ladies thoroughly enjoyed their stay in Northern Ireland.

International Award Winners

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The UTV Business Eye Awards took place in the Culloden Hotel, Belfast last night. These prestigious awards, sponsored by Bank of Scotland (Ireland) honoured Northern Ireland’s top business personalities and organisations.

TG Eakin Limited had been shortlisted as one of the three finalists in the International Award category and was awarded first prize at the ceremony last night! Managing Director Jeremy Eakin commented on the recent achievement, “We are delighted to have won the International Award. Such awards are recognition of the company’s success, which is entirely due to the excellent efforts of everyone in the company.”

TG Eakin Limited currently exports over 80% of its business to more than 25 countries worldwide.

Eakin Marathon Runners Raise Money for IA!

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Once again the Eakin team entered the Belfast Marathon in May 2007. The 5 members of the relay team beat last year’s time by a few minutes.

£1,000 was raised by the entrants which was matched by the company to give a grand total of £2,000 for Illeostomy Association funds.

TG Eakin Ltd is delighted to support ia Northern Ireland and continue to enjoy close working relations with the association.

Pictured from left to right, William Ennis, Stuart Menary, Paul Eakin and Paul Hastings, with Edgar Craig handing Anne Demick, of ia Northern Ireland, the cheque.

CAET Mould A Seal Competition!

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The CAET conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia recently. Eakin was represented by ConvaTec who are the appointed distributors in Canada.

The CAET (Canadian Association of Enterostomal Therapy) conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia recently. Eakin was represented by ConvaTec who are the appointed distributors in Canada.

Pictured left is Annie Morin-Levesque, an ET from Edmunston Regional Hospital in New Brunswick. Annie was winner of the Eakin “Mould a Seal” competition. ETs were challenged to mould a Seal using an eakin Cohesive® Seal!

TG Eakin Ltd go that ‚extra mile‘ for NI Hospice

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Around a dozen members of staff took part in the Belfast Marathon in May. Two relay teams entered the competition; each team ran the 26-mile course.

An additional three colleagues entered the walking event, walking 9 miles each.

TG Eakin Ltd chose to raise money for Northern Ireland Hospice Care, which is a charity caring for terminally ill people here in Northern Ireland. It provides specialist palliative care for adults and children with life limiting and life threatening illnesses.

The aim of the charity is to provide the best quality of life for patients and to support their families, focusing not only on physical care but also on the need for emotional, social and spiritual support. Care is provided in the hospice and in the community.

TG Eakin Ltd was delighted to raise a grand total of £7,000 for this worthwhile cause through donations and other fundraising events such as a Soup & Book Sale. Many thanks to our suppliers for their contributions.

TG Eakin Ltd highly commended at Business Awards

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TG Eakin Ltd was Highly Commended for its Exporting Achievements at a recent awards ceremony in Belfast.

At the 2007, Northern Ireland Business Awards in association with bmi and the Belfast Telegraph, the company received the commendation. It was noted that the company currently exports 99.5% of its products outside Northern Ireland and the company’s recent acquisition of Pelican Healthcare in Cardiff illustrated the company’s strategy for growth.

The judges were impressed by TG Eakin Ltd’s development and maintenance of a product, which competitors have been unable to match in quality and performance.

AASTN Winner Announcement

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Ian Whitely RN BN STN CNC from the Concord Repatriation and General Hospital in Sydney was announced as the winner of the Eakin Educational Sponsorship.

Ian Whitely RN BN STN CNC from the Concord Repatriation and General Hospital in Sydney was announced as the winner of the Eakin Educational Sponsorship at the AASTN conference in Wollongong recently.

The Educational Sponsorship was available to Stomal Therapy Nurses in Australia. To enter, Stomal Therapy Nurses were required to submit their most successful, novel, interesting or unusual use of Eakin Cohesive products either as a case study, poster, essay or photographs.

The selection criteria emphasized content rather than presentation and the judging panel were asked to select not necessarily the most glossy or attractively presented entry but more on the novelty factor, how interesting the application, how useful the application is to other STNs and the problem solved and patient outcome.

The judging panel was formed from a representative of TG Eakin Ltd, a representative of Omnigon Pty Ltd (the Eakin distributor in Australia) and a representative of the AASTN Executive.

Ian’s winning submission combined the effective and novel uses of Eakin products and combined these with a truly Australian theme of “Eternity” which became prominent during the Millennium celebrations on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Ian’s submission, along with other entries can be viewed in our Research & Publications Section.

TG Eakin Ltd Acquires UK Competitor

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TG Eakin Limited is delighted to announce substantial growth of their business with the acquisition of a medical company in South Wales.

TG Eakin Limited was formed in 1974 by Tom Eakin and is now led by his two sons, Paul and Jeremy. The company employs 50 people just outside Comber, Northern Ireland and manufactures medical skin care products for use in stoma and wound care.

The products help patients who suffer from bowel diseases and have a stoma or wound, to avoid sore skin, substantially improving their quality of life.

The company has grown considerably in recent years. Export sales to over 25 countries worldwide account for 80% of the turnover.

The acquisition of Pelican Healthcare in Cardiff will allow the company to follow their proposed plan of growth and expansion. Pelican Healthcare employs over 120 people in Cardiff and manufactures a range of products which are complementary to the Eakin products. In addition, Pelican Healthcare also produces a range of products for feminine health. The company also has a strong UK distribution base.

Jeremy Eakin, Managing Director of TG Eakin Limited, is delighted with the deal. “This expansion is fantastic news for our company. The acquisition gives us access to a whole new range of products which will dramatically enhance our export growth while also providing us with a new well established UK distribution platform in Cardiff.

It also allows us to diversify into an entirely new area of feminine healthcare, meaning our company is no longer reliant on the one industry sector.”

The company has been actively pursuing a growth plan in recent years and this acquisition has been a key part of the plan. The company will now be in an excellent position to continue developing and manufacturing innovative medical products in Northern Ireland for patients worldwide. The combined resources will help to expand export sales significantly.

New Products Showcasing at Salzburg

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The 9th ECET congress will be taking place in June 2007 with the theme ‘Stoma care, wound hygiene and incontinence on the European stage’.

The team at TG Eakin are looking forward to exhibiting at the event and showcasing new and existing products.

Established brands such as Cohesive®, as well as the new and improved Wound Pouch range will also be shown. Cohesive® Slims are enjoying continued success in markets around the world. Equally, the new and improved Wound Pouch range has been adopted in many countries and has been well received.

We look forward to welcoming you on stand #17. Please also look out for presentations on Eakin products as the full ECET Program becomes available.