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Using eakin dot® 2 piece in the management of stoma and long term health conditions

Case study submitted by: Kelly Vickers, Stomal Therapy Nurse, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia.

4 reasons to use:

  1. Choosing the correct appliance is an important aspect in a person’s overall recovery after ostomy surgery.1
  2. The goal of both nurse and patient is to achieve a predictable, reliable wear time.2
  3. A long-term health condition can have a significant impact on a persons ability to live a normal life.3
  4. Long term health conditions are likely to affect the person’s ability to manage their own care independently. There will be careful consideration to the specific condition and the individual restrictions when recommending an appropriate product to promote optimum selfcare, management and independence for the ostomate.3

Patient History:

  • 75 year old gentleman with poor mobility who lives alone
  • Diagnosed with Rectal Cancer
  • APER with formation of end colostomy
  • History of chronic illness including Parkinson’s
    Disease, bipolar disorder, hypertension, aortic stenosis
    and osteoarthritis

Nurse recommends eakin dot 2-piece:

  • Stoma care nurse assessed individual ability and recommended eakin dot® 2-piece immediately post-op
  • Reviewed patient 3 weeks post operatively

Nurse review:

  • He reports no leakages with eakin dot® 2-piece system
  • This has had a considerable positive impact on building his confidence
  • Peristomal skin is healthy
  • Self-managing his stoma care and appliances
  • He only needs to change the base every 3-4 days
  • He states he ‘loves his bags’ and particularly likes the easy coupling system that he can hear ‘click’ when pouch is applied


  • Once familiar with the ‘CLICK’ system, Mrs S became very comfortable and confident with coupling the bag and baseplate
  • They are now very happy with how the eakin dot® 2-piece is working for them and find it very
    secure, comfortable and easy to use

Clinical evidence for choosing eakin dot® 2-piece:

  • Improves peristomal skin problems
  • Ease of use
  •   hydrocolloid for longer-life wear 
  • Meets the individual needs of ostomates and their carers


  1. Williams J, Gwillian B, Sutherland N, Matten J, Hemmingway J, Ilsey H et al (2010) Evaluating skin problems in people with stomas. BJN19(17): s6-15
  2. Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurses Society(WOCN). (2013) Colostomy and Ileostomy: Products and tips. Mt. Laurel, NJ:WOC
  3. Readding L (2016) Practical guidance for nurses caring for patients with long-term conditions. British Journal of Community Nursing21(2) 90-98